The season of Lent is a time of preparation. There is a lot with that preparation that goes a long way. If we are waiting for a special friend or family member, we may go to the store and buy some food and beverages that we know they may prefer. There is intent to please our guests that will add to the experience of the visit.
What are you preparing for? Perhaps it is a job, college degree, or a new position where you work. How do you prepare?
The way to prepare is to plan it out and see the results. The relationships that you and I have are also something that needs preparation.
When we look to a friend or family member in a time that is difficult, we are a part of a plan. The way we handle a situation will have a direct effect on the outcomes of people we will never meet.
When Jesus took the mission to bring the peace into the world, he began a time of preparation. Jesus had to prepare for the mission and a way to do that is to find quiet time.
We all need time to find quiet; it helps us reflect on our life. If we take half an hour to reflect on the day before you go to sleep, you will quickly see that we have not always shown our best face. We may have said something hurtful because we were hurt or perhaps we will see a moment that we could have done more in a situation. Whatever it is, we will see a place where we didn’t make the best decision.
Jesus took time to reflect. There were the moments in a boat, in the desert, and on a mountaintop where Jesus took time to be quiet and reflect on the will of his father.
If we find time to be quiet, we can have a conversation with God. If we take the thoughts, fears, and concerns before God, there is a special grace that will come to us. The view of the situation that we get from a peaceful time in quiet will bring us closer to the better decision.
The season of Lent is a time of preparation. There is a lot with that preparation that goes a long way. If we are waiting for a special friend or family member, we may go to the store and buy some food and beverages that we know they may prefer. There is intent to please our guests that will add to the experience of the visit.
What are you preparing for? Perhaps it is a job, college degree, or a new position where you work. How do you prepare?
The way to prepare is to plan it out and see the results. The relationships that you and I have are also something that needs preparation.
When we look to a friend or family member in a time that is difficult, we are a part of a plan. The way we handle a situation will have a direct effect on the outcomes of people we will never meet.
When Jesus took the mission to bring the peace into the world, he began a time of preparation. Jesus had to prepare for the mission and a way to do that is to find quiet time.
We all need time to find quiet; it helps us reflect on our life. If we take half an hour to reflect on the day before you go to sleep, you will quickly see that we have not always shown our best face. We may have said something hurtful because we were hurt or perhaps we will see a moment that we could have done more in a situation. Whatever it is, we will see a place where we didn’t make the best decision.
Jesus took time to reflect. There were the moments in a boat, in the desert, and on a mountaintop where Jesus took time to be quiet and reflect on the will of his father.
If we find time to be quiet, we can have a conversation with God. If we take the thoughts, fears and concerns before God, there is a special grace that will come to us. The view of the situation that we get from a peaceful time in quiet will bring us closer to the better decision.
Lent brings us to a time of preparation and gives us a chance to look into our life to see the places we need to work on to be better family members.
We are a human family that transcends any aesthetic differences that we may have and brings us to a deeper relationship with each other. Lent captures the moments of weakness with a promise that we will have everlasting life.
The relationships that we have in our lives are part of a bigger picture that will affect the lives of people we never will meet. There are people who will come to Gannon in many years and a decision that was made by a committee you were a part of made a change to better the lives of the students to come.
That was a similar mission that Jesus had in his life. The actions that Jesus took changed the lives of countless people and the actions that we do every day have an effect on the future of the people around us.
The Lenten season brings us the opportunity to reflect on the mistakes that we have made and work on being better people. When we take a close look at our thoughts and words, we can find places that we need to work on.
The preparation that we take to please a special guest is the same preparation to take with all of the people we meet. If we take the time to view each person as a special person, it won’t take long until we can see Jesus in all the people that we meet.
Remembering the Ash Wednesday blessing with the ashes: “From dust you have come and from dust you shall return” is something to keep with us all during the Lenten season.
The “giving up” of something is a noble display of faith, but to take the few minutes at night to reflect, in quiet, at the day’s events will be a gift that will be received by many and you will be “giving up” the old you and putting on a new creation.
Give up time in front of the TV, stay off the recreational surfing and maybe take a few minutes to be quiet. The moments we find peace are moments we connect with God and give up our life for his.