Trusting your gut is key in decision making

Michael Guido, Managing & Sports Editor

When you begin your senior year of college, it’s like a tidal wave hits you.

You’re immediately hit with the reality that you will be graduating within months and after that the real world will be at your feet.

For most of your undergrad, you realize that the day will come where you will have to confront a lot of inescapable realities, but you avoid it because well, the future can be scary, especially when you don’t have a chartered path.

This can be a scary time in one’s life due to the need to answer some big questions in a short timeframe: what type of job do I want? Where should I live? How will I repay my student loans? Should I pursue a secondary education?

These are just some of the questions that even I’ve had in the last few weeks. Given that I’m a political science major, I don’t necessarily have a defined career track in the same way a nursing major or an occupational therapist does. As I’ve always said, this is both a blessing and a curse.

I can’t say that I was shocked this all came my way, as for years I’d been told by peers older than I that this was the reality I would find myself confronting.

The decision of whether to attend law school or not, the decision over what sector to work in or the decision of whether to stay regional or move elsewhere are all realities I knew I would need to confront.

However, if there’s anything I’ve learned by talking to those same people and reflecting on my own time, it’s that whatever decision you make, it’s best to trust your gut.

It might be one the most cliché sayings out there and some may view it as an equivocation instead of thinking decisions through more thoroughly.

However, I believe that trusting your gut makes the difference when it’s time to make a tough call.

Nobody knows you better than yourself and at the end of the day, there is nobody more qualified to decide regarding yourself than you.

Going into a decision that might be life altering, you know in your heart what the pros and cons are, what the risks and costs associated are and what making a certain decision for yourself will mean. At that point, you have nothing left but your own instincts to rely on.

Making big decisions is a nerve-racking experience, there’s no question there.

However, I am constantly reminded of what my grandfather always told me; the worst thing you could do to yourself is allow doubt to cloud your judgment. Once you do that, you immediately hinder your ability to be your best self.

Since he said that, it has stuck with me.

The thing to remember is that this outlook doesn’t completely pertain to making life decisions about career paths.

Whether deciding on what new car to buy or deciding on when you should purchase a home, trusting your gut is the best thing you can do for yourself to ensure the outcome you want.

In the end, trusting your gut instinct is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Trust yourself to do what’s right for you and know that when all is said and done, you did what will set you up for success.

Trust that you will make whatever decision you deem right for that moment and that regrets will not arise as a result of the decision.

If you realize that, then no matter what, the decision was the right one and you can sleep comfortably knowing that.


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