Why are you running for Vice President of Student Engagement?
To continue to manage the SGA balance and fairly distribute funding to support student initiatives on campus and in the Gannon community.
Why do you believe students should vote for you?
This will be the second term that I will be in this particular office and I believe that I can take what I learned through this term to improve the overall process for clubs and students.
What are your goals if you are elected into this position?
Update the guidelines to reflect the current needs of clubs and organizations, create a more established feedback channel, implement a few tabled projects to improve the overall process, and President/ Treasurer Forum in late fall semester/ early spring to assist in their transition.
Why do you believe there are so few people running for SGA board this year?
Similar issue to most on-campus events of finding a meaningful way to communicate and the spread the word to the student body. With the ongoing trend, it will be a key initiative for the next E-Board.
What are some of your accomplishments during your time in SGA?
Managing the budget during a time of influx, handling 50-plus academic, student engagement, club funding, sport club funding, and special project applications, switching the food vendor for MidKnight Madness from Jimmy Johns to Chick-fil-A to increase student turnout.
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
More than willing to work with any club or organization to help meet their goals. Feel free to reach out via email at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
[email protected]