Why are you running for Vice President of Student Engagement?
I am running to assure that every student is able to find their own place within Gannon. Because I am not an outgoing person, I struggled to find people that I felt comfortable around. I was too shy to take a step out of my comfort zone. However, I started to find out that the Gannon community is more welcoming that I thought. I was able to find friends through clubs and activities. I value the friendships that I have found here, and I am thankful for the opportunity. I want others to not have to undergo the struggle that I had. I would like to assure that SGA is there for students to guide them to reach the place they want.
Why do you believe students should vote for you?
I am able to put myself in every student’s shoes and use it to create engaging opportunity for all. I believe that I am able to encompass a wide range of students. I am an international student who spent more than half of my lifetime overseas, but I also went to elementary, middle and high school in the States. Hopping between a large public school with over 700 students per class and a small prep school with 80 students per class, I have experienced a wide array of student life. Using such a dynamic background, I can empathize with everyone in the community, helping organize events in a suitable way to accommodate the student population. I am a very strong believer that student involvement is a great portion of campus life, and I will do my best to assure everyone gets the best experience possible in the university.
What are your goals if you are elected to this position?
If I were to be elected, I would like to encourage more club activity. Many clubs in the university are successful, making progression in their field of interest while serving the community on and off campus. However, I see more possibility in this community. I believe that SGA can help students establish clubs to provide a wider spectrum of experiences. Nevertheless, it would be improper if SGA were to enforce an activity that may not necessarily be what the students want. I want to make an opportunity for students to openly speak up for the student activity they want on campus, and I will try my best to make it happen.
Why do you believe there are so few people running for SGA board this year?
Gannon University provides various opportunities for student involvement. I personally found being part of Student Government Association as interesting opportunity, but some may not view themselves being fit for SGA. Each student has their own values and strengths, and what makes Gannon special is that these students brings such diverse merits to establish the community. Although I cannot account for why many students were not willing to run, I can confidently say that all the candidates registered have wonderful spirits fully capable of handling their tasks.
What are some of your accomplishments during your time in SGA?
I have made a commitment to Student Government Association as a class representative during my sophomore year and junior year. During my time, I have been participating in SGA on the Academic Affairs Committee, Marketing Committee and Constitutional Revision Committee. I helped in the coordination of an adequate educational environment for students and assisted the advertisement of SGA events, assisted with the coordination of events such as MidKnight Madness, and amend SGA constitution up to date. I was able to grow as an individual and gain leadership through such great experiences. Moreover, I was able to learn how the school is governed, which will help me if elected as vice president of student engagement.
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
Vote for Jae, your #1 bae! Your possibilities are 0.0 miles ahead if you vote for Jae Seung Lee!
[email protected]