This is a term of which I have always been afraid of; afraid to identify with, afraid to participate in and afraid to facilitate in my own life.
Until now.
In a year where our country, our world more rather, has been divided in ways I have never experienced or studied, choosing to use my privilege to remain quiet out of fear of judgement is not an option, and it never should have been.
I have decided that as a writer, as a higher education student and as an American woman, I owe it to the women before me, the abused, the women’s suffrage activists, the women in front of me who have worked so hard to get us where we are, Madame Vice President, First Lady Michelle Obama and the women who have yet to be free, to speak when my heart is spoken to.
My posts are inspired by experiences that I encounter and feel the need to spread awareness to and that I believe are a helpful resource for women and men on and off campus.
Be brave. Stand up. Only you can decide when enough is enough.
“A feminist is a person who believes in the power of women just as much as they believe in the power of anyone else.” -Zendaya