Erie Pa., -- “When I think of the many ways that Gannon has changed my life, one of the most beautiful things that I have experienced in my...

March 22, 2024/12a Erie Pa., -- Throughout its first century of existence as a Diocesan Catholic University, many priests have served...

February 16, 2024/Midnight Metanoia is a term derived from the Greek words “meta,” meaning “beyond,” and “nos,” referring...
Being a student in college is exhausting. And I don’t just mean the classes, the schoolwork and the pressures of attempting to be an adult...
Today, I am saddened, disheartened and quite frankly, I am disgusted. I sit here writing this as I shake with anger and a broken heart over the...
I felt compelled to write a post on this blog for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, which this year is Feb. 22-28. This blog is called...

TW: Discussion of body image and eating disorders. For as long as I can remember, I was taught to scrutinize my body, my eating habits and...

This past weekend, I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in my first wedding, seeing a young woman who is like an older sister to me commit her...