Seniors, this one is for you. There really is a secret to getting your dream job and solidifying your post-Gannon career. One word: networking. This one word carries such a powerful punch it has created high-achieving opportunities for thousands of people.
Networking isn’t a one and done activity either; it happens on a constant basis in any and all social situations. Whether it’s a casual dinner with friends or a fundraising event for your favorite cause, the opportunity to talk about you and your ambition is limitless.
I have to confess, I’m a little networking nerdy because I carry a business card folio lined with cards from people I’ve connected with since my Gannon undergraduate days.
I know you’re asking, “That’s great, Erin, but how do I network now as a student?” Lucky for you, we have a networking opportunity available in just a few short days.
The Alumni and Senior Social was designed specifically for you. On March 20, you have the opportunity to meet successful alumni from many disciplines, backgrounds and regions who are eagerly waiting to advise you on your career path.
The Student Government Association has partnered with the Alumni Association to facilitate learning and practicing those important networking skills with tips from a guest speaker.
You will be able to engage in discussions with alumni about their professional paths and life in their hometown if you plan on moving to their regions. You will get great exposure all while celebrating the milestone of graduating with your fellow classmates.
Your opportunity awaits on the first floor of Old Main from 7-9 p.m. on Friday, March 20. Make your RSVP to Taylor Shaffer at [email protected] by March 18.
The best career advice I can give anyone is to be social, be out there and be active within the community. You never know if the guy standing in the heavy hors d’oeuvres line with you, who is also reaching for the last shrimp cocktail, is the key to helping you advance to a brighter future.
There is no need to be afraid of walking through that door at graduation because this event, coupled with your amazing Gannon education, will equip you with the skills you need to walk out ready.