March 21, 2025/Midnight
Erie PA. — On Saturday March 15, hundreds of Erie residents gathered for a time of celebration at the annual St. Patrick’s parade.
Weather early in the morning created worries that the festivities would be cancelled but not even Erie’s unpredictable weather could rain on this parade.
Those in the Erie area flashed different arrays of green made an appearance along State Street in the early morning to enjoy company, music, and vendors downtown.
The parade lineup began at one with those from a multitude of companies from around Erie to advertise their company but also to bring cheer to those awaiting them along the street. Over 75 groups marched down State Street for about two hours.
To start the parade a local bagpipe player performing traditional Irish music to excite the crowd for the coming floats.
This year all attendees were encouraged to stay on the sidewalks and all groups or companies who marched in the parade were encouraged to hand out candy instead of throwing it to onlookers.
Another new addition for this year, a family zone provided for those who struggle with loud noises. It even encouraged pet owners to give their furry friends a break from the excitement. The family zone also encouraged no drinking or smoking in the Erie to ensure the space allotted remained quiet.
Speaking of furry friends, many pups and horses joined in on the festivities with multiple dogs and horses sporting different festive colors including a festive pup highlighting the Irish flag.
According to the city there was an estimated 3,000 to 4,000 spectators during last year’s events and the estimate continued to grow this year.
Concluding the parade, onlookers and participants were encouraged to visit the Flagship City Food Hall as they handed out awards for the best floats.
In other news, Representative Mike Kelly did not attend the festivities due to a potential rally in the area. The representative’s office did not believe that it was wise for him to attend due to the encouragement of keeping the event civil and a family friendly event.
Many of the Erie community had had hopes of reaching Kelly during the parade due to the continuous cancellation of town hall meetings.
On Friday afternoon his campaign informed organizers of the parade that Kelly would not be participating in Saturday’s event.
Erie Police Department advised that there was a large protest planned against Congressmen Kelly during the parade.
Keystone wrote on Instagram that he was “afraid of facing protests from his constituents in Northwestern Pennsylvania.
In an email to Your Erie, it was stated that the parade was meant to be a fun and joyous occasion for the Erie community and not a moment for protest and partisan disruptions. This is not the only time that Kelly has been aloof to the public eye. In fact, many US House Republicans are being told to not hold town meetings for fear of being yelled at by their constituents.
Predeceasing the parade there had been a protest rally outside of the congressman’s office the week before. The community is continually disappointed by Kelly’s lack of appearance to the public and his seemingly avoidance of meeting with those who he represents.