Photos that take you on a journey from snowy frigid winter to a pleasant sunny spring in Erie and on Gannon’s Campus.
Winter Wonderland: The beautiful but freezing view of AJ’s way during a snowstorm. Fat snowflakes fall from the sky and litter the brick path that students take to get to classes (Kiley Williams)
Glacial Horizon: Ice bluffs coat the beaches of Lake Erie created by freezing waves crashing on the shores. On the icy formation you can see the colorful and endless horizon span across the water. The sunset today is later than yesterday’s, reminding us that days are getting longer, and warmer weather is coming (Kiley Williams)
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Preparation for Blooming: The early spring forest of Erie Bluffs State Park could be regarded as dull and ugly with the gnarled dead twigs. However, the trees and vegetation are preparing for warmer and longer days so they can burst with verdant leaves and fragrant blooms (Kiley Williams)
Forest Floor Joys: In early spring, before all the towering trees grow their leaves and create a lush canopy that blocks the sunlight from the forest floor, spring ephemerals bloom. These plants work quickly to grow and bloom before all the other forest plants, so they have the sunlight all to themselves. These short-lived and beautiful flowers are the first life in the dominant woods and mark the start of spring (Kiley Williams)
Radiating Hope: Sunlight filters through the growing leaves and flowers in front of Waldron Campus Center displays that spring is here. Which serves as a light at the end of the tunnel, after seemingly never-ending and cold winter (Kiley Williams)
Springing into Sports: With the new warm weather and sunny days, athletic games on the McConnell Family Stadium are enjoyed by the student body (Kiley Williams)
Spring Showers: A rain showers brought by the spring weather creates a lovely rainbow that streak across the sky next to the towering structure of Cathedral of St. Paul (Kiley Williams)
A Glimpse into the Future: Spring is in full display with wonderful white flowers blooming on the trees at the heart of campus. Spring on campus can be sad because it marks the end of the semester, and for seniors, the end of their college career. However, reminds us of new beginnings and exciting adventures for many students (Kiley Williams)
Kiley Williams is this academic years Photographer for The Gannon Knight. Kiley is a junior biology major from St. Mary’s PA. A fun fact about Kiley is that she can drive a forklift.
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