February 28, 2025/Midnight
Erie PA. – Punxsutawney Phil, or Phil, has been haunting Pennsylvanians with his shadow since 1886 and I think that after almost 140 years someone should put an end to this nightmare.
Year after year on February 2 Pennsylvanians gather around to watch a groundhog be ripped from the ground. Let me say that again. An entire state of people gathers or watches from home a groundhog predicting the weather.
This yearly event has been monumental to many different cultures and communities only because of when it takes place. The beginning of February falls right in between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. I would think that such a detrimental time would need the attention of a more exciting animal than a groundhog.
It turns out that we could have had a bear, or a badger take on the role, but you know what I guess bears and badgers are too mean to continue the tradition and now we’re stuck with Phil.
What had originated from a bear or badger awakening from hibernation, has been substituted for a groundhog. The animal that digs holes in people’s gardens and causes mayhem throughout the year is being recognized and celebrated for causing more mayhem.
The tale goes that if the groundhog waddles out of his hole and sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If the groundhog doesn’t see its shadow, then the following weeks will be mild.
It just sounds the same. We either get six more weeks of winter or six weeks until spring. There is no difference between either or!
Another reason we should retire the rodent is that there is no scientific evidence that supports Phil’s ability to predict the weather. Sorry Phil, the weather is just too complex for you.
According to experts, groundhogs are terrible at predicting the weather. I mean who could have predicted that?
Since 1887 Phil has only been 39-40% accurate. That means that he hasn’t even been 50/50! So why are we still holding on to and lifting furry little Phil?
I think the only reasoning behind continuing the tradition is the same reason we keep any tradition alive. It means something to someone.
To kids around Pennsylvania celebrate Phil by making crafts, reading poems, and singing songs. To adults it brings back memories of childhood when you were ok with any type of weather regardless of what the groundhog said. If Phil were put out of commission that means that the groundhog handler would be out of commission too and job stability is important during these harsh times.
I just think that of all the animals Pennsylvania could have picked, the groundhog is the least memorable. I’m not saying that it would be logical or safe to bring a bear back into the mix, but it has been proven by experts that Phil is no meteorologist. I would feel better off without knowing the coming weather and continuing to be surprised with it year after year.
Most humans retire after working for 50 years so why shouldn’t Phil? Just retire the rodent.