February 14, 2025/Midnight
Erie PA. – President Trump has decided to end the procurement and forced use of paper straws. On February 10, 2025, Trump took a break from the large issues and moved on to a slightly smaller hump. The forced use of paper straws.
The Federal government has been directed to stop purchasing paper straws and ensure that they aren’t provided within federal buildings.
The order also required that the development of the National Strategy end the use of paper straws within 45 days to alleviate the forced use of paper straws nationwide.
A desire to bring back common sense had been mentioned. Stating that the irrational campaign against plastic straws had forced Americans to use nonfunctional paper straws.
According to Time Magazine, Trump has been known to drink many Diet Cokes but now will never again use a paper straw.
“We’re going back to plastic straws,” Trump said. “I’ve had paper straws many times, and on occasion, they break, they explode. It’s a ridiculous situation.”
Cities and states across America have already banned plastics straws.
Even though the president has just recently signed the Executive Order, this is not the first occasion that he has given his firm beliefs on paper straws and their existence. In 2020, part of his campaign called them “liberal” and there had even been sales of Trump-branded plastics straws that had estimated to make nearly half a million dollars.
Included in the White House website were facts about straws. These would promote Trump’s thinking of the ban. However, the ban is not just because the president doesn’t enjoy paper straws, but it also has some scientific research to back it up.
They contain certain chemicals that could carry risks to humans. The “forever chemical” or PFAS which have been found in paper straws. This chemical is soluble in water and can leak into beverages. It was discovered that plastic straws are less likely to leave behind these chemicals.
For most of Trumps Campaign the focus has been on the economy and lowering prices. Through this ban, paper straws are more expensive than their competition and because of paper straws dissolving customers are more likely to use more than one to dominate their thirst.
Paper straws have been found to have more of a carbon footprint and require more water to create. Like the penny, more effort and funds are required for something that could potentially be seen as useless.
The main potential concern about banning paper straws is that straws and other plastic waste have posed risks to animals if not properly disposed of. Specifically marine animals who have been found to mistake the waste to food.
According to the World Wildlife Fund, plastic pollution has estimated to have killed 100,000 marine mammals yearly. Another nonprofit, Ocean Conservancy, says that it has collected nearly 14 million plastic straws all over the globe for the last 35 years.
At the end of the fact sheet it states, “President Trump is committed to securing American energy independence, recognizing that America’s domestic supply of clean coal and natural gas not only strengthens national security but also provides some of the cleanest energy in the world.”