During the siesta, not a soul on narrow cobblestone street lined with colorful doors and windows. (Kiley Williams)
The dreamy multi-layered apricot buildings overlook the cliffside during a late summer afternoon. (Kiley Williams)
A local cat takes a break from chasing mice to clean itself in the sun. (Kiley Williams)
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A peaceful windowsill from a house, many homes have no dryer and instead air dry all their laundry. (Kiley Williams)
An ancient temple built for a Roman god. The column though weathered still stands proudly after thousands of years. (Kiley Williams)
A break in the trees reveals a view of the Italian countryside, specked in trees and houses. (Kiley Williams)
The fortress Rocca Pia standing in the middle of Tivoli as a reminder of the city’s past. (Kiley Williams)
A classic shot of an Italian street with a beautiful turquoise vespa that is favored by many of the locals asthe streets are so narrow. (Kiley Williams)
A stunning view of cascades of water flowing off the mossy cliffs in the Villa Gregoriana. (Kiley Williams)
Kiley Williams is this academic years Photographer for The Gannon Knight. Kiley is a junior biology major from St. Mary’s PA. A fun fact about Kiley is that she can drive a forklift.
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