The warm light reflects the cold snow with the icy lake extends into the vast horizon. (Kiley Williams)The foot prints of students walking to class imprinted in the snowy sidewalk in front of Zurn. (Kiley Williams)The last light of the day peaks between the bare dark trees that line Presque Isle. (Kiley Williams)The reaching shadows of tree branches are silhouetted by the streetlights on the snowy sidewalks. (Kiley Williams)The cozy view from Zurn of snow-covered picnic tables, tree branches, streets and the Gannon Arch. (Kiley Williams)The beautiful frozen Presque Isle Bay creates a popular place for people to ice fish. (Kiley Williams)As the skies darken on campus the streetlights illuminate the snow-covered streets. (Kiley Williams)Cotton clouds float in the sky as blue snow and ice engulf the beach of Presque Isle at sunset. (Kiley Williams)
Kiley Williams is this academic years Photographer for The Gannon Knight. Kiley is a junior biology major from St. Mary’s PA. A fun fact about Kiley is that she can drive a forklift.
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