A view from a street in downtown Rome, which often consists of the iconic cypress trees and the golden yellow, burnt orange and orangish red apartment complexes. (Kiley Williams)
The Pantheon, one of the best preserved ancient Roman buildings. The building consists of a large circular dome shaped middle and a classic square Roman front. (Kiley Williams)
The Spanish Steps, packed with people there to see the rays of the sunset illuminating off the Trinità dei Monti church. (Kiley Williams)
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The bronze statue of the Capitoline Wolf, which shows a wolf nursing two young boys which in Roman mythology were Romulus and Remus. Romulus was the founder of Rome, and this statue is seen as a symbol for the birth of Rome. (Kiley Williams)
One of many remaining columns scattered around modern-day Rome. Today the columns are a beautiful sight but picturing them in their original state gives perspective into how grand ancient Rome was. (Kiley Williams)
Arguably the biggest sight in Rome, The Colosseum. A huge ancient amphitheater built in 72 AD as a place for gladiator fights and animal hunts. (Kiley Williams)
A hidden atrium on the streets of central Rome. The walls decorated in detailed frescos, which are murals painted on plaster adhered to walls. (Kiley Williams)
Ruins of the columns and pathways remain as a reminder of the great Roman Forum, the heart of ancient Rome. (Kiley Williams)
Ancient faceless figures weathered away by time on The Arch of Septimius Severusin in the Roman Forum. (Kiley Williams)
Kiley Williams is this academic years Photographer for The Gannon Knight. Kiley is a junior biology major from St. Mary’s PA. A fun fact about Kiley is that she can drive a forklift.
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