A rare sight in the desert, a rainbow in the mountains while the scent of rain and sage brush is carried in the wind. (Kiley William)
Shinning fireweed carpet the alpine trailside. Fireweed is a plant known to grow after wildfires, giving life to a burnt landscape. (Kiley Williams)
The arid and sandy landscape scattered with intermittent juniper trees and carved out by the infrequent rain. (Kiley Williams)
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Silhouettes of mountains frame the skyline, the golden sky and red blazing clouds mark the end of a day, (Kiley Williams)
Remnants of past homes for the native peoples nestled in the cliffs in Bandelier National Monument. Other signs such as shards of pottery shards, and arrow heads scattered about the sand as a reminder of the rich history of the area. (Kiley Williams)
The morning fog rolls over the distant mountains, the brush illuminated by the rising sun. (Kiley Williams)
A view from Ute Mountain of the Rio Grande snaking through the flat sage brush plains with the San Luis Hills on the horizon. (Kiley Williams)
The sweet scent of pine is carried on a cool breeze at the high alpine Williams Lake is located in the Wheeler Peak Wilderness. (Kiley Williams)
A steep hike into the Rio Grande Gorge which is the same path that Bighorn Sheep take. Scree fields litter the cliff sides that are broken up by the beautiful Rio Grande River carrying essential water in a desert landscape. (Kiley Williams)
The rock formations display a gradient of pearl white to golden yellow and burnt red rocks at Ghost Ranch, the place that inspired Georgia O’Keeffe’s desert paintings. (Kiley Williams)
A view from the top of Cerro de la Olla, one of the three inactive volcanos within Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument. The lowland plains sprawling on for miles broken up by the intermittent mountains covered in juniper and pine trees. (Kiley Williams)
Kiley Williams is this academic years Photographer for The Gannon Knight. Kiley is a junior biology major from St. Mary’s PA. A fun fact about Kiley is that she can drive a forklift.
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