As the 2024-25 school year begins, the English National Honors Society, more commonly known as Sigma Tau Delta, prepares for an exciting year ahead full of fun events for anyone to attend.
The honors society has already kicked off the fun with an English trivia night. This was hosted on Thursday, August 29 in the Waldron building. Students, faculty, and friends diverged into groups and competed in literature-based trivia after enjoying appetizers and socializing with one another. Not only were the participants from the English department, but even majors in the STEM field got to share their literary knowledge. This trivia night was a great opportunity for Gannon students to prepare for the year ahead, meet new people, and reunite with their peers after the summer break.
“This semester we’re looking forward to inducting four new members, having a movie night, and potentially starting a silent book club.” Sigma Tau Delta president, Jada Abrams shares.
The next event will be held in October: A movie night where current members and anyone interested in joining can come and enjoy a night of snacks and entertainment. The movie is as of now undecided but will be one to get attendees in the mood for Halloween.
The honors society is bringing back a loved event within the department, the “Blind Date with a Book” fundraiser. Participants can donate to the society and will receive an unknown, covered book. The society is coming together to make sure there are books for everyone through selecting titles they think students and faculty can all enjoy. Book lovers on campus should certainly keep an eye out for this fundraiser to find their next good read.
On top of returning excitement, the group plans to introduce a “book chat” to their list of events this year. Students will gather in the English lounge to participate in a book club.
Anyone interested in joining Sigma Tau Delta is welcome to become a campus member! No matter the major, the society welcomes and encourages any student to join the honors society.
To be inducted into the honors society, students must meet the required English credits needed and a minimum GPA of 3.0. Once a student is inducted, they will be a lifelong member of Sigma Tau Delta. This year, four new members will be officially inducted.
To find more information on future events and activities, check out the Gannon English department on social media:
@gu.english on Instagram
The Gannon English department on Facebook.
To ask any further questions or share interest in becoming a part of Sigma Tau Delta, you can reach out to Sigma Tau Delta President Jada Abrams ([email protected]) or Adviser Dr. Douglas King ([email protected]).