February 9, 2024/Midnight
My experiences have led me to appreciate the art of trying something new, especially during college.
College is a time for young adults where we have the space to explore and find ourselves. This can include discovering how we enjoy spending our time, and even the people we reach out to for a fun night out or cozy night in.
In a previous article, I discussed methods I used to decompress from a stressful time during the semester. Not only are these methods for stress relief, but they are also activities that bring joy to my college routine.
A part of discovering what I enjoy has been finding the people I want to spend my time with. Most recently I have discovered that creativity is something that I value in myself as well as the people I surround myself with.
The environment and company I keep often have effects on my ability to produce my own creative content. Whether I am writing for the newspaper, classes, or for my own projects I find that the environment around me makes a difference.
My independence also tends to affect my abilities to learn new things. What comes to mind is a conversation I had with one of my coworkers at Werner Books & Coffee about their crochet skills. After seeing what they were able to create I was determined to try something new.
I did not have the materials to teach myself to crochet, however buried in some old crafting supplies at home I happened upon some knitting needles. After a quick google search and a few failed attempts to “cast on” I started a knitting project. It may be a scarf, or hat, or something else, but I was determined to learn something new.
As college students we are learning every day. Whether we’re in class or studying with friends, the knowledge that we learn while on campus seems never ending. This can be a great thing, but also mentally exhausting. My recommendation is to seek different types of learning experiences.
I enjoy new experiences across a variety of active activities such as ziplining or more reserved experiences like learning how to meditate. Having a range of experiences outside school has helped broaden my skills and my ability to learn what I enjoy or don’t.
Not only has my eagerness for new experiences pushed me to try new things but my family and friends have always encouraged me to step outside of my bubble of normal. My eldest brother encourages me to try new cuisine that I wouldn’t have otherwise. One of my closest friends has brought me into her friend group to try games like Magic: the Gathering.
While Magic: The Gathering is not my forte and I’m not sure Halal food agrees with my stomach the opportunity to try new things has broadened my horizons.
I encourage everyone reading this to step out of your bubble and find something new to you.