At the Student Success Center the Gannon Pride Knights organization on campus held their first event of the semester in the student success center. The students involved along with their supervisors set out decorations throughout the lobby and office space to create a welcoming space for all.
“We don’t have to meet in secret. Students can feel safe and should feel safe and were able to put it out to the community.” said Emily Muntean, Assistant Director for Campus Ministry, and co-supervisor for the Pride Knights
Mocktails were provided throughout the night by Zaida Pring, Resident Director of Finegan Hall. Pizza and barbeque bites were given to all in attendance for a quick and easy dinner. Students from all walks of life joined the Pride Knights for conversation and laughter. Students received stickers of their choosing and were able to participate in a photo booth to document the night’s event.
“The whole purpose is to make students feel safe seen heard valued and appreciated for exactly who they are…to get our students intermixing with our faculty and staff…you’re not alone, you’re not the only one and there’s also a wonderful community who loves and excepts you for who you are” said Alyson Eagle, Assistant Director for Employer Relations in the Student Success Center
The president of the Pride Knights sophomore Ashyln Jessup was excited to meet new students and hopefully get more participants within their organization. Jessup said the main goal of the event was to help those who identify with the LGBTQ+ community and to let them know that they have a place.
“It’s very helpful for student who identify as members of the community…its nice for them to know that they have a place where people understand them,” said Jessup.
Jessup joined the Pride Knights as a first-year student and encourages others to do the same.
“It’s a safe space, it’s a welcoming space…you don’t have to be someone you’re not.”
A representative from Central Outreach Wellness Center Gabe Genua, Outreach Coordinator and Case Manager, attended the event to inform students about the resources available from Central that include but are not limited to, comprehensive STD Testing, treatment, and prevention. They not only offer testing but counseling, treatment, and referrals.
The center strives to support clients from all walks of life, and they are proud to foster the Erie, PA transgender HIV positive communities and be a resource for LGBTQIA friendly providers in the area. Genua started their journey with the LGBTQ+ community when in high school and has now been working with Central since June.
The large attendance intrigued Genua and provided insight on why information for college students who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community is important.
“They’re figuring themselves out, this is their first time away from home. They’re able to explore and really think for themselves.”
Pride Knights have provided a safe space for students to explore who they really are without judgement or fear of reproach. Follow along on social media to look out for upcoming events and more.