Harsh winds from the winter storm blown sand above the steep cliff marbling with the snow on the forest floor. (Kiley Williams)A dusting of sand on the snow swirls together to create miniature dunes. (Kiley Williams)Erie Bluff’s State Park with sand dusted cliffs and beaches of ice. (Kiley Williams)The crystalline shoreline coated with snow and rocks of ice reaches out towards the icy river flowing into the great lake. (Kiley Williams)Large icicles draped over a fallen tree on a glacial beach. (Kiley Williams)Fisherman enduring the frigid winds to his ice fish shack on the frozen Presque Isle Bay. (Kiley Williams)The blank snowy expanse of Presque Isle Bay in front of the bright lights and towering buildings of Erie. (Kiley Williams)A tree trapped in icicles in front of a white canvas of snow broken up by the hidden sunset and distant tree line. (Kiley Williams)Outstretched tree branches encased in a waterfall of icicles formed by the violent waves from winter storm. (Kiley Williams)Ice covered trees standing tall amidst the arctic scape. (Kiley Williams)Icicles on twigs resembling rows of long teeth. (Kiley Williams)
Kiley Williams is this academic years Photographer for The Gannon Knight. Kiley is a junior biology major from St. Mary’s PA. A fun fact about Kiley is that she can drive a forklift.
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