Gannon University announces COVID-19 vaccine clinic set for Tuesday
Gannon University will hold another COVID-19 vaccine clinic Tuesday in the Waldron Campus Center.
September 9, 2021
Gannon University announced Wednesday that it will offer another COVID-19 vaccine clinic on campus.
The clinic, which is in partnership with Allegheny Health Network, will be offered on campus from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Tuesday in room 219 of the Waldron Campus Center.
As part of the university’s COVID-19 mitigation efforts, various vaccine brands and doses will be offered. Those attending the vaccine clinic can receive the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, dose two of the Pfizer vaccine for those who received their first dose at the IgKnight fair or have received their first dose within the last 21 days, the Pfizer booster dose for those who are immunocompromised, and dose one of the Pfizer vaccine.
Walk-up appointments will be accepted, but reservation of the vaccine dose is highly recommended to ensure an adequate supply of each type of vaccination.
COVID-19 vaccine doses for the clinic on Tuesday can be reserved here.
Two forms must be filled out in advance and brought to the clinic, and they can be found here and here.
Call or email Gannon’s Health Center at (814) 871-7622 and [email protected] with any questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Questions and comments can also be submitted here.