We have finally made it to the end of the year and the 24th issue of The Gannon Knight for the 2017-18 academic year.
This is the issue I have been both longing for and dreading at the same time for the past months.
On one hand, I am looking forward to getting an extended break from The Knight, as this publication is something that I put my heart and soul into every week.
On the other hand, though, this is the last Tuesday night in The Knight office I will have with the other editors I have come to grow so close to over the years.
I am extremely proud to have been part of our tiny staff this past year.
We had many long nights and many frustrating moments, but we always got through all of our hardest issues.
Now, I will move on with a whole new staff during the upcoming year.
I am excited to see a new group of people step into the office and produce a paper we can all be proud of.
I am looking forward to all of the new ideas that the new editors will bring along with them as they begin working on stories each week.
The 2017-18 Gannon Knight staff will always hold a special place in my heart as I move on and keep producing content I am proud of.
They were the people who accepted me and listened to my frustrated rants every week with no complaints.
They are the people who explained things to me over and over again until I finally understood and they never made me feel bad.
I know that they will go far and reach all of their goals outside of our tiny office.
As for the upcoming break, I am looking forward to new adventures.
Since I will be moving to a new place, I plan to learn many new things about myself.
I am also excited to begin preparing myself to take on the position of editor-in-chief of The Gannon Knight next semester.
With all of the new things going on around me, it has been difficult to really sit back and reflect on all of the things I have accomplished in the last year.
I have made connections with people on campus who I never thought I would, I have worked hard to maintain good grades, I wrote stories every week for the Knight and I managed to hold a job on top of all of my other obligations.
Knowing that I have made it through this school year, I just hope that I can continue doing things that I am proud of throughout the rest of my time at Gannon.
While it may be difficult for me to get back into the swing of things without some of my friends, I believe that I am ready to take on all of the new challenges that will come my way in the next academic year.
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