The weight of finals has been enough to kill my holiday cheer thus far. Winter break could not come sooner. While my roommate has tried to spread holiday cheer for all to hear by decorating our apartment, I currently resemble the Grinch more than Cindy Lou Who.
It’s not that I don’t enjoy the holiday season, I just can’t focus on a time of joy and relaxation when I can’t rest yet.
It’s like this for everyone each semester, but I always forget how chaotic the last two weeks of the semester are. There’s a line at the entrance to the library every Sunday before 12:30 p.m. with students who are trying to make it out of this academic period in one piece. Coffee consumption is at its all-time high on campus and sleep is at its all-time low.
Everyone is on edge and any sudden movements will send all of us into shock. Everyone posts funny pictures about finals week, but they are truly trying to mask how they feel inside. Multitasking between papers, projects and studying for tests is not a joyful matter.
All I want to do is curl up in my bed and watch hours on end of Netflix. Unfortunately, I have to be a responsible adult and focus on finishing out the semester strong. It’s hard to find something to motivate me to do so, especially when you see Christmas lights at every corner and hear Christmas music every store you walk into.
So far, the only thing that’s motivating me is the knowledge that in two weeks’ time I will be lounging around at home with absolutely no deadlines. Even though that is a beautiful image, I need more than just hope to get me through this finals season. Sometimes smaller rewards are all you need to survive.
After studying for 45 minutes I will treat myself to a much-needed YouTube break. Nothing is more stress relieving than watching mindless, funny YouTube videos. If that doesn’t help, then you may need to take an hour out of your day to go to the gym.
It may seem like more of a hassle to take time out of studying to work out, but exercise is the ultimate stress reliever. Although you may be tempted to grab a bag of chips, healthier options such as fruit, yogurts and vegetables will fill you up and feed your mind.
Finals week may feel like a downward spiral, but there are many ways around it. There are times where you have to look at your lifestyle and decide what you actually need in your life. Avoiding the work will not help you at all or make it disappear. Problems have to be faced head on and with conviction.
With your nose stuck in your textbooks for the next two weeks, winter break will be here before you know it. Soon you will be on your way home to spend time with family and friends. Happy times of joy and laughter are not as far away as they seem.
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